2022 started with lots of resolutions and confusion and ended with unfulfilled resolutions and new confusion. I know I am not the only person who faces these things but through this block, I wanted to feel the main character.

My main resolution for 2022 was to take care of myself and my mental health and give preference to myself, in short, I wanted to become a little selfish, and honestly, I don't think that there is any problem in being selfish, - if you don't think about yourself then who will? If you can't give importance to yourself, then how you can expect from others?

If I had to rate this year, I won't rate it in the very bad category cause I learn a lot of things that I think are important for me and my personality, like how to behave, how to talk, how to control my emotions and where to express it.

I am not in school anymore so I have to be a little attentive towards whatever I speak and how I behave, but BECOMING ATTENTIVE DOESN'T MEAN TO LOSE THE LITTLE CHILD INSIDE YOU, and this is the first thing I learned this year, being attentive means you start caring of that child and you know among whom you have to present that child, who can encourage that child, who can love that child.

re-watched Hawarang recently and ended up crying for this kid again.

If I talk about my socialization skills, well it's still kind of the same but now rather than being an extroverted person I leaned towards the introverted side, I have no regrets about this cause, and here comes the second thing that I learned this year - NOT EVERYONE DESERVES YOUR TIME AND WORDS.

I loosed a lot of people this year by losing I mean losing emotional connection, as I mentioned in my earlier blogs I started feeling pushover, well I emotionally finished contact with all those people.

But apart from these things I met a lot of new people and understood that I can't live in that bubble that my parents created for me, which is always safe and happy, I have to get out of there and create my new bubble, surrounded by people and things which give me happiness and feeling of safety and security.

I want to thank people like Kumkum, Adi, Bhuvi, Gaytri, Eun, and Avinash, for making me feel safe and listening to me. And you know the fun fact is, that 4 of these people are not even around me but their presents are everything. 

And here comes the third and fourth lessons respectively - 3. I LEARNED WHOM I SHOULD CALL MY FRIENDS, in school I always had a problem differentiating between friends and the people I know but I am glad that I learned what exactly friend means.

girls this can be us, you just have to be rich and reject a ceo☺

4. GIRLS CAN BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, I know it sounds weird but I have no explanation, for why are used to thinking the opposite of it.

Apart from this thing I also decided to start myself discovery face honestly I didn't find out a lot about myself, but I understood one thing about myself which is, I don't lose hope easily, I know this sounds kinda narcissistic but I am sorry I don't know how to put this in more presentable words. In short, I want to say that the fifth thing that I learned this year is WHAT EXACTLY MEANS "NEVER LOSE HOPE".

There is a lot to say but I know it's already too long and boring, I hope it will help you in some way, also I enabled the comment section, now anyone can comment, so you can write your thoughts and views. 

- Thank you so much for reading till now.


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